price proposalsFor various reasons, Magento 2 store owners may want to negotiate with customers before finalizing their product or service price(s). When it comes to customized products or services, though, one cannot make use of fixed product pricing, whereas custom price setting would be the appropriate measurement. As default Magento 2 does not allow store owners to set custom prices, Cart2Quote has developed a user-friendly quotation module that allows both seller and buyer to build easily towards an equilibrium price.

Avoid error messaging

Regular Magento 2 custom price become effective once customers add products to their shopping cart. Customers will only be allowed to check out once the price they’re willing to pay meets the preset criteria. To be precise: a price equal to or greater than the set minimum price. If these conditions are not met, an alert error message will be displayed, disallowing the customer to proceed any further in the checkout procedure.

Such error messages have a deterrent effect on customers and their willingness to continue doing business with you. It may come across as a stop sign – “this far and no further” – which is not really inviting, is it? Even though your minimum price might be very plausible, you won’t get the chance to clarify what this price setting is based on towards your customers.

Open up the negotiation process with Cart2Quote

Don’t spoil the opportunity to demonstrate and discuss in further detail why your product is totally worth the price that you propose. This is where Cart2Quote's quotation module comes in handy.

With this module, customers are allowed to submit a quote request for a product or service through user-friendly forms. When customers call in, you may respond with a price proposal.

If, in any case, your customer declines your initial offering, you may refine your offer in response and convince them why your current offering is the best they can get. Either way, it maintains a two-way communication thread and therefore opens up the negotiation process, instead of closing the door immediately.

When your customers accept your price proposal, the request for quote will be instantly converted into an order, either by the customer or by the merchant. Negotiation as easy as it gets.

Price proposal

Create better price proposals

Like most of our extensions, our module also comes with:

  • A built-in PDF price proposal feature. This way, it only takes a few seconds to create a new quote;
  • The option to apply standard Magento discount rules or vouchers to quotations. When you enter your customer product prices, you will be able to calculate your profits based on the entered cost prices.
  • Free templates for default and RWD themes. You may use the module straight away and learn from the example when incorporating Cart2Quote into themes. 

Enjoy the freedom to create better price proposals with Cart2Quote.

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